Ground Screw10-32 X 3/8 QD T-23 Green Steel Zinc (Jar 100)
Ground Screw10-32 X 3/8 QD T-23 Green Steel Zinc (Jar 100)
Ground Screw10-32 X 3/8 QD T-23 Green Steel Zinc (Jar 100)
Ground Screw 10-32 X 3/8 Qd DogPt Green Steel Zinc (Jar 100)
Terminate with confidence using Polaris lugs in a wide range of applications, including power distribution, grounding and data transmission. Each connector is clearly color-coded and can be affixed with any standard crimp tool.
Neutral Bar Stacked 42 Circuit w/Base
Neutral Bar Stkd 30 Crct w/Main & Base
PDB 1 Pole Line 2X600-4 Load 2X600-4
PDB 1 Pole Line 2X600-4 Load 12X4-14
PDB 1 Pole Line 2X500-4 Load 12X4-14
PDB 1 Pole Line 1X600-4 Load 6X2/0-4
PDB 1 Pole Line1X750-250 Load1X750-250