NSI grounding and bonding products provide flexible solutions for a wide range of grounding and bonding applications in the field. Use ground rod clamps for direct burial applications requiring maximum strength.

1/0 AWG 1/2” 1-Hole Aluminum Long Lug – Tan
Terminate with confidence using Polaris lugs in a wide range of applications, including power distribution, grounding and data transmission. Each connector is clearly color-coded and can be affixed with any standard crimp tool.
2 Inch Screw Type Alligator Black Handle
Scrw Type Alligator 2″ BLK Hndl
U-Type Die ORG 3/0 Copper
Insert Die RED 840
Neutral Bar Stacked 42 Circuit w/Base
Neutral Bar Stkd 30 Crct w/Main & Base
Aluminum Isolated Ground Bar, AL/CU 2/0-14 AWG Range, 7 Circuits
NSI grounding and bonding products provide flexible solutions for a wide range of grounding and bonding applications in the field. Use ground bars to mount and ground multiple aluminum or copper cables.
Aluminum Isolated Ground Bar, AL/CU 2/0-14 AWG Range, 14 Circuits
NSI grounding and bonding products provide flexible solutions for a wide range of grounding and bonding applications in the field. Use ground bars to mount and ground multiple aluminum or copper cables.
Flexible Braided Jumper Grounding Strap, 12″, 600/720 AMP
NSI grounding and bonding products provide flexible solutions for a wide range of grounding and bonding applications in the field. Use Jumper Grounding Straps for installations involving movement from expansion or contraction.