Electrical Products and Supplies
All Electrical Products and Supplies
PVC Mounting Entrance Head for PVC, Rigid, IMC or EMT 1-1/2″
#1255-PVC3.75 × 4.0625 -
Rigid or IMC Conduit Set Screw Aluminum Entrance Cap 1-1/2″
#1255-S4.125 × 4.6875 × 4.125 -
Rigid, EMT or IMC Conduit Clamp-On Aluminum Entrance Cap 2″
#12565.75 × 7 -
PVC Mounting Entrance Head for PVC, Rigid, IMC or EMT 2″
#1256-PVC5.4375 × 6.3125 -
Rigid or IMC Conduit Set Screw Aluminum Entrance Cap 2″
#1256-S5.875 × 6.5 × 5.875 -
Rigid, EMT or IMC Conduit Clamp-On Aluminum Entrance Cap 2-1/2″
#12577.4375 × 8.75 -
Slip-Fit Screw Aluminum Entrance 2″ Cap Mast, 2-1/2″ Conduit
#1257-MT5.3125 × 6.5 -
Rigid or IMC Conduit Set Screw Aluminum Entrance Cap 2-1/2″
#1257-S7.8125 × 10.25 -
Rigid, EMT or IMC Conduit Clamp-On Aluminum Entrance Cap 3″
#12589 × 12.5