TORK DG280A 24 Hour Digital Time Switch, Skip-A-Day, 2 Channel SPDT
TORK digital time switches give you a simple way to control automations for your home or office. Multiple modes, battery backup and professional-grade accuracy make this a versatile timer for many applications.
- Easy to Use: The intuitive programming interface lets users set up to 56 different ON/OFF times each day in increments as small as 1 minute
- Duty Cycling & Signaling: Two different ON/OFF patterns or signal durations may be programmed with duration times up to 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds in length
- Designed for Convenience: Built with features such as daylight savings and leap year compensation, manual overdrive, power outage backup and Noryl® enclosure with locking hasp
- Skip Function: Each channel can be set for ACTIVE/SKIP operations that alternate from 1-31 days for cycling loads on varying days within the month in a simple manner
- Save Energy and Money: Time switches save time, energy and money by providing a convenient way to turn appliances or lights on and off